The Cause

As the last chapter of my time spent in Wales I'll be doing a 10 day long sponsored cycle (5-15 May) round the country (approx. 1000 kilometres) to support Tŷ Hafan, a Wales based charity.

They offer comfort, care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families, helping them make the most of the time they have left together.

You can sponsor my round-trip in Wales here:

Thursday 8 May 2014


My second day was too short for blogging - after the first day's mission, the test wasn't letting up on the second.
I left Brecon on the main road because it seemed like a nice shortcut - and it really was, but I decided it was too boring, so went from Builth Wells back into the wild.
I couldn't count the hills I had to push my bike up, but l of them was worth it thanks to the picturesque view I got in return. Realising there was no way of taking a photo as breathtaking as the reality, I just sat on my bike and flew down the hills. The 25% gradient was almost like flying, but because I was still on two wheels, let's call it bike-diving.
So, after all the up-n-downs my right knee started his strike, and made that long day even longer.
By the time I arrived to Machynlleth I had met with a cyclist, a motorcyclist and a hiking couple. I had a short chat with all of them, but as they were heading in the opposite direction, I carried on by myself, alone all day. As I didn't have signal in the woods where I spent my whole day, I couldn't communicate with anyone, but "I have never been lonely".

The day was still nice, even with the extra 15 miles looking for a place to stay when the booked one unfortunately became unavailable. "Faith!", my godfather would say. I asked the only being left on the streets late that night for directions to a B&B, just as it was starting to rain again. After a quick chat he invited me to crash on his couch. It turned out that he lives with a girl from Lisbon who had met another guy from Serbia - he had stayed in the same garage in Lisbon as me. Doesn't mean anything, but still. BOOM!
As I will go back for one more night, the pictures of Machynlleth are coming in a few days. So far, here are a few pictures of my second day in the Welsh woods.

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